Why Install a Standby Generator at Home?

Reasons to Install a Whole House Generator 

With worsening weather and increased pressure on power grids, power outages have become more frequent. So, for many homeowners, having a backup power supply is more important than ever. A standby generator installation can give homeowners peace of mind by supplying power to the home during an outage. Here is a brief guide to standby generators, including how they work, when they are needed, and their advantages. 

Understanding How Standby Generators Work

generatorUnlike portable generators, which are small and limited in their power output and typically must be manually started, standby generators are installed outside the home and offer much more power and better reliability. Another key factor that makes them so popular is that they automatically activate within seconds when a power outage occurs.
These whole-house generators are powered by natural gas or propane and are connected directly to the home’s electrical system. They are powerful and can typically power the entire electrical load of the average home and keep things running smoothly. This means homeowners can still use the fridge and freezer, their lights and outlets, and even run their heating and cooling systems. The seamless transition, reliability, and convenience that a standby generator installation offers are what set it apart.

When a Generator Becomes Necessary

outageA generator installation is a great way to prepare for power outages and is especially crucial for anyone living in an area prone to severe weather or where they experience frequent power outages. People who work from home, have special medical needs that involve electrically powered devices, or those who cannot go without power for more than a few hours should also get a standby generator. 

But more than just bad weather, such as storms, lightning, and extreme heat, can cause power failures. Issues with the power grid, electrical lines, and other system malfunctions can also lead to power outages. Preparing ahead of time by installing a whole-house generator can make it easier to weather power outages when they occur, no matter the cause.

Benefits of a Generator Installation

There are many benefits to having a standby generator professionally installed and ready to provide emergency power at a moment’s notice, including the following:

  • A whole-house generator ensures the safety and comfort of everyone inside, as it can power the heating and cooling system. 
  • Food preservation will not be a concern with a backup generator as it can power refrigerators and freezers and prevent expensive food waste.
  • Generators can power essential medical equipment that runs on electricity during a power outage to keep people safe and healthy.
  • Standby generators can add value to a property and can decrease home insurance rates due to the added protection they provide. 

Investing in a standby generator isn’t just about convenience. It’s also about preparedness, peace of mind, and protecting the home from the unexpected. Don’t wait until the next power outage to realize the necessity of a generator!

About Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc.

Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc. is a plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical company serving the Wenatchee area. They offer comprehensive diagnosis, financing, and trustworthy recommendations. Call them for standby generator installation and services in Wenatchee, WA

How to Keep Your Heating and Cooling Costs Low

Tips to Reduce Utility Bills 

The average household’s biggest energy expense is to heat and cool the home, so if homeowners are looking to save on their utility bills, heating and cooling is a great place to start. This post will share three tips homeowners might want to consider adopting at home to help lower monthly bills and save.

Use the Ceiling Fans

fanWhile it seems sensible to use a ceiling fan in the summer to help cool down a home and reduce the reliance on air conditioning, ceiling fans can be used with the heating system as well. By changing the direction that which ceiling fans spin, fans can help reduce heating and cooling costs no matter the season. 

In the summer or when using air conditioning, the fan should be spinning counterclockwise as this will create a downdraft, pushing cold air down towards a room’s occupants. This allows homeowners to adjust the thermostat to save money without sacrificing comfort. In the winter or when using the heating system, simply reversing the direction of the fan to spin in a clockwise motion creates the opposite effect. This updraft helps circulate warm air around the room instead of allowing it to rise toward the ceiling and stay there, allowing the thermostat to be adjusted to save money.  

Replace Air Filters Regularly

Another cost-saving measure homeowners can easily do at home is to make sure that their AC and furnace filters are changed regularly. A furnace or AC filter traps dirt, dust, and other airborne particles as the air passes through it. This means that when they aren’t changed for a long time, they get dirty and clogged, affecting airflow and causing the heating and air conditioning system to work harder and use more energy, raising energy costs.  

Regular air filter replacements, typically every three months, are an important step to making sure that heating and air conditioning systems are operating efficiently and preventing heating and cooling costs from rising due to inefficiency. Replacing the filters will also help improve indoor air quality and protect the heater and air conditioner. 

Opt for Smart Thermostat Installation

thermostatInstalling a smart thermostat at home is another great way to add to the energy savings. Not only do smart thermostats give homeowners the ability to change their settings remotely through a smartphone app, but they also have many energy-saving features that can reduce utility costs while keeping the home comfortable. 

Smart thermostats often also track a home’s heating and cooling energy usage history, which allows homeowners to see how changes they make affect their energy use. All these features help smart thermostats reduce a household’s energy use, which in turn helps lower a home’s monthly utility bills.

About Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc.

Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc. has won the Wenatchee World’s Best award 8 times in a row while serving Wenatchee and the surrounding areas. They provide flat-rate pricing, financing, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Call them for heating and air conditioning services in Wenatchee, WA

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Easy Ways for Homeowners to Identify Water Leaks

How to Detect Leaks So a Plumber Can Be Called for Repair

Water leaks and burst pipes can cause massive headaches for property owners, including repair and water costs, water damage, major cleanups, and more. Fortunately, there are several ways for homeowners to catch leaks, so a plumber can be called to detect and repair them quickly. This article will offer guidance to help homeowners promptly identify water leaks, including signs to watch for, high water bills, and a running water meter. 

Symptoms of a Leak

There are several signs homeowners might notice that can alert them to a leak in their homes. While standing water and puddles in or outside the home are obvious signs, property owners should also look for evidence of mold or mildew growth, water stains or wet spots on walls, ceilings, or floors, and low water pressure from plumbing fixtures. 

Property owners should also pay attention to the sounds of running water when the plumbing fixtures and water-using appliances are not being used, as this is another sign of a leak. Water damage like damaged floors, sagging ceilings, and paint or wallpaper that begins to peel also point to a leak. 

Higher Than Usual Water Bills

bills In addition to the previously mentioned signs of water leaks, homeowners should also watch their water bills. If a household’s water bills increase without an obvious increase in the household’s water usage, it can indicate a leak in the plumbing system that is wasting water. 

If there’s a leak, there will be an increase in the home’s water usage, which results in higher water costs, alerting property owners that they should schedule plumbing repair as soon as possible to have experts locate the leak and fix it before further water damage and high water costs occur. 

Running Water Meter When Water Isn’t Being Used

water meterHomeowners can also check their water meters to determine if there is a leak. To begin, ensure all water inside and outside the home is turned off, including fixtures, appliances, and irrigation systems. Next, record the reading on the water meter, then wait 1-2 hours without using any water, and check the meter again. If the reading has changed, this indicates a potential leak. 

Many water meters also have a leak indicator to help homeowners identify a water leak. The leak indicator on the meter is typically a small triangular dial or silver wheel, which moves as water flows through the meter. If the leak indicator is turning while all water is off, this confirms a leak that needs to be addressed. Scheduling water leak detection and repair services at the first signs of an issue can help homeowners limit the damage and costs associated with a leak.

About Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc.

Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc. is a residential plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical company serving Wenatchee, WA, and the surrounding areas. They provide comprehensive diagnosis, trustworthy recommendations, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Call them today for burst pipe and leak repair in Wenatchee, WA

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Home Improvement

Electrical Home Improvements to Make in 2024

Start the New Year With Beneficial Home Upgrades

With a new year comes the desire to start fresh. One of the best ways to do this is to add new upgrades to a home, including electrical system enhancements that can benefit the household. This article will recommend electrical upgrades that can benefit homeowners and their households significantly. 

Install Ceiling Fans

fans Installing ceiling fans is one way to save on energy bills and add increased comfort to a home. They offer the following advantages:

  • Energy efficiency: Ceiling fans help keep homes comfortable without using the HVAC system more than necessary. They can be used with the heating and cooling system in both summer and winter by changing the direction the fan blades spin. 
  • Better air circulation: Fans help circulate the air throughout a house, preventing homes from becoming stuffy.
  • Additional cooling: Fans can make rooms feel cooler without actually changing the temperature of the room or needing to run the air conditioner more.
  • Flexible controls: Some ceiling fan models have a remote control to allow homeowners to adjust the fan speed and lights easily. 
  • Lighting options: Most ceiling fans have built-in lights, allowing homeowners to use the fixtures as both a light and a fan.

Upgrade the Indoor Lighting and Switches

An electrical upgrade many homeowners overlook is upgrading the indoor lights and switches. These are relatively simple changes that can make a big difference in a house. Some popular and beneficial lighting upgrades include:

  • Replace incandescent light bulbs with LED lights. LED lighting is more energy efficient and can last longer, saving homeowners money.
  • Smart lighting systems allow homeowners to control the lighting from a smartphone or with voice control. 
  • Dimmer switches let households create ambiance in rooms and let homeowners save on energy bills by only using the amount of light they need in a room.
  • Recessed lighting adds a modern and sleek look to homes while adding a lot of light. 
  • Pendant lights or chandeliers over kitchen islands, dining room tables, or entryways add to a home’s decor. 

Add an Electric Vehicle Charging Station 

charging stationIf homeowners have an electric vehicle, adding an EV charging station to their home can be incredibly convenient. One of the biggest inconveniences of owning an electric car is finding a place to charge it and waiting for it to charge. Owners might have to wait for a charging station to open up and then sit in their car until it finishes charging. An electric vehicle charging station installation at home can help people avoid these problems and allow them to charge their cars while in the comfort of their own homes. 

An EV charging station installation at home can also save money over time, as charging at home can be more cost-effective and affordable than public charging stations. Homeowners can charge their vehicles outside of peak hours when the electricity rates are lower. Other cost incentives property owners can enjoy are an increased home value and even potentially some tax incentives. It can also result in time savings. Homeowners will not need to spend time searching for a public charging station. Instead, they can charge it overnight and start their day with a fully charged car.

About Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc.

Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc. is a plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical company serving Wenatchee, WA, and the surrounding areas. They offer straightforward, flat-rate pricing, same-day service, and trustworthy recommendations. Call them today for electrical services in Wenatchee, WA

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Fight Back Against the Cold, Dry Season With a Whole-Home Humidifier

Benefits of a Humidifier Installation 

While homeowners might expect to be cold during the winter months, they might not anticipate the other impacts of cold weather, like dry air in their houses. When this happens, it can cause surprising issues like dry skin and respiratory problems. This post will explain the benefits of installing a whole home humidifier, including reduced allergy and asthma symptoms, more hydrated skin, and even healthier plants. 

Improve Respiratory Health

When heaters operate to keep homes warm and safe all winter, it can result in dry air in houses. This can cause coughs, sore throats, and increased asthma and allergy symptoms for family members. These symptoms can be reduced with a whole-house humidifier installation. Some of the health benefits of a humidifier include:

  • Adding moisture to the air helps prevent the respiratory tract from drying out
  • Prevent nasal passages from becoming irritated, reducing allergy and asthma symptoms
  • Reduced cold and flu symptoms
  • Reduce the spread of respiratory infections and viruses
  • Improved sleep for household members 

If households notice increased respiratory issues or allergy symptoms this winter, they should contact an HVAC technician and consider a whole home humidifier installation.

Skincare Benefits

skin careIf homeowners notice their skin is dry and flaky, or if their knuckles and fingers are cracking, it can indicate they have dry air in their house. A humidifier can add moisture to the air and help reduce these effects by better hydrating the skin. Some of the benefits a humidifier provides for skin and lips include:

  • More moisture to keep skin from drying out
  • Reduced symptoms of skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis
  • Help injuries like skin cuts, irritations, or abrasions heal faster
  • Help prevent lips from chapping and cracking
  • Reduce signs of aging by keeping skin moisturized 

Increased Health for Indoor Plants

plantsPerhaps an unexpected benefit of adding a whole-home humidifier is healthier indoor plants. If the air in a house is too dry, it can cause plants to wilt, lose leaves, and suffer from diseases. Installing a humidifier can prevent these issues with indoor plants and keep them healthier. So, if homeowners have trouble keeping plants alive, this can help. 

Humidifiers can help plants flourish, preventing browning, drying out, and dead leaves. They can also keep plants healthy by preventing diseases and pest infestations. With added humidity in the house, tropical plants, in particular, will live longer and grow better, giving homeowners more options when selecting houseplants. 

About Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc.

Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc. has eight consecutive Wenatchee World’s Best Awards. They provide flat rate pricing, same-day service, and financing. Call them today for humidifier services in Wenatchee, WA.  

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When to Install a Water Softener and Their Benefits

Hard Water Basics Homeowners Need to Know

If homeowners find themselves having to replace appliances that use water more frequently than expected or scraping residue and buildups off of their plumbing fixtures, this can indicate that they have hard water. Hard water refers to water that has high concentrations of minerals, and the majority of homes in the U.S. have it. It is typically caused by calcium and magnesium dissolving in groundwater, and it can wreak havoc on a home’s plumbing system and create other issues for a household. 

Hard water doesn’t pose health risks to families but can affect plumbing appliances, clothing, and other items. To avoid these problems, plumbers recommend that homeowners install a water softener. This post will explain how these systems work, their benefits, and what symptoms of hard water homeowners should look for. 

How Water Softeners Treat Hard Water

water softenerWater softeners can effectively remove minerals like calcium and magnesium from a home’s water supply. One common type is a salt-based water softener, also called an ion exchange water softener, because it uses an ion exchange process to remove the minerals that cause water hardness.

The first step in this water-softening system involves water flowing into the water-softener resin tank. Here, the water encounters resin beads. These are negatively charged and will hold onto the positively charged ions in the hard water. The water is softened by exchanging these ions for sodium ions, and it can then travel through the home’s plumbing system. Water from the brine tank then enters the resin tank to create a brine solution. Then, a backwash cycle is performed to rinse away accumulated minerals in the resin bed. 

Signs a Home Has Hard Water

Property owners should identify the signs of hard water that indicate water softener installation would be beneficial to protect their plumbing systems and appliances. One of the first signs homeowners might notice is a scale buildup on plumbing fixtures. Property owners commonly see this while cleaning. If they frequently scrub white residue from their plumbing fixtures, it can indicate hard water. 

They might also notice lower water pressure in the shower and faucets. Mineral buildup inside the pipes and fixtures can restrict the water flow. This buildup can also occur inside plumbing and appliances that use hot water, causing additional wear and tear and shortening their lifespans.

Other common signs of hard water are spotting and cloudiness on glasses and dishes even after washing them in the dishwasher, or clothes and laundry that fade quicker from being washed in hard water. Family members might also notice their skin or hair is dry. If homeowners notice these signs, they have hard water and should consider installing a whole-house water softener.

Why Homes Can Benefit From Whole Home Water Softeners

save money When a household has hard water, it can benefit from installing a water softener system. These systems can help prolong the lifespan of plumbing appliances and fixtures by preventing a buildup of minerals that can hamper their performance. A water softener can even improve the efficiency of appliances that use water, like water heaters, which lowers operating costs.

They can also save time cleaning as homeowners won’t have to spend as much time scrubbing mineral residue off fixtures or rewashing glasses and dishes to remove spots. Homeowners can also experience healthier, more hydrated skin and hair, better water pressure, and longer-lasting clothing. 

About Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc.

Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc. has won 8 consecutive Wenatchee World’s Best Awards while serving Wenatchee and the surrounding areas. They offer fast, tidy service, financing, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Call them today for water softener services in Wenatchee, WA

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This Halloween, Prevent an Electrical Scare

Homeowners Should Avoid Electrical Problems When Decorating

Electrical problems can pose major threats to a household during Halloween. Malfunctioning wiring or broken lights and decor can put families at risk. However, homeowners can help prevent and catch electrical problems by following tips from electricians as they decorate their homes for Halloween. 

Tips to Prevent Issues With Electric Decorations

Halloween is a fun and festive time, and holiday decorations can add to it. From inflatable pumpkins and ghosts to fun holiday lights, decor can make homes welcoming. It can also create safety risks and potential electrical hazards. To avoid risks when decorating for Halloween and the following holidays, homeowners should take the following precautions:

  • Check lights and decorations for damaged wires, loose bulbs, or other issues, and don’t use them if found. 
  • Avoid damaging wires with staples or nails, and find a safer way to hang lights and decor.
  • Only use lights and electric decorations outside that are made for outdoor use. 
  • Turn off lights and decor at night before going to bed or leaving the home. 
  • Prevent putting holiday decor near open flames, fireplaces, or space heaters. 

Homeowners can also hire electrical professionals for holiday light installations to ensure everything gets done as safely as possible and looks great. 

Avoid Overloaded Electrical Outlets 

overloading outletsWhile decorating the home and yard for Halloween can be fun, it can also cause overloaded outlets and circuits. This can lead to electrical risks as too much power is drawn from a single outlet or circuit. Instead, homeowners should spread out the power draw when decorating by using different outlets and circuits to power lights and electric holiday decorations.

An electrical circuit overload can cause dangerous situations, like electrical fires or shocks, so homeowners should also watch for signs of an overloaded circuit, including:

  • Tripped circuit breakers or blown fuses
  • Dim or flickering lights
  • Burning smell
  • Sounds such as buzzing, cracking, or sizzling

Watch for Symptoms Electrical Repairs Are Needed

electrical repairHomeowners should call an electrician for electrical repairs at the first signs of an issue to keep their home and family safe. Some signs of electrical problems that homeowners should watch for include:

  • Damaged or fraying wires
  • Outlets give off sparks or are hot to the touch
  • Outlets are scorched and have burn marks
  • Burning smell or smoke
  • Unusual sounds 
  • Lights flicker or dim
  • Tripped circuit breakers or blown fuses 

About Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc.

Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc. is a plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical company serving Wenatchee and the surrounding areas. They offer straightforward pricing, same-day service, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Call them today for electrical and holiday lighting services in Wenatchee, WA

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When to Schedule Evaporator Coil Cleaning

Signs You Need Professional Evaporator Coil Cleaning

A common complaint HVAC contractors hear from homeowners is that their air conditioner is running, but the house is not cooling down. This, along with other signs, can signal that the evaporator coil needs to be cleaned or serviced. The evaporator coil lets air conditioners remove hot air from a house and disperse cold air throughout the property. If it’s not working correctly or is dirty, the home may not be able to cool to the setting on the thermostat. 

Property owners should schedule evaporator coil cleaning services if they notice their HVAC is not correctly cooling their house, frost on the coil, or if the air conditioner is running longer than usual to cool the home properly.

Inadequate Cooling 

hotOne of the first symptoms homeowners may notice that can indicate a dirty evaporator coil is if the house seems warmer than it should be. If the air conditioning system fails to cool the home, homeowners might start adjusting the thermostat or fear that there’s a major issue with the air conditioner. However, this could be due to dirty AC coils. 

AC evaporator coils can fail to correctly cool a house if there is frost or ice on the coil, if it’s corroding or damaged, or if there is dust, dirt, or debris built up on it. Homes can also fail to reach the proper temperature if there is a refrigerant leak from the coils. If homeowners notice this symptom, they should call an AC contractor to inspect the system and perform evaporator coil services if needed.

Frost or Frozen Coils

frostIf frost builds up on an evaporator coil or they are completely frozen, it can require professional coil cleaning services to remove it. Frozen evaporator coils can occur when they get dirty, preventing them from getting the airflow they need to function. The frost must be eliminated and the coils cleaned for an AC unit to work right and cool a home. 

The frost will prevent the evaporator coil – and the air conditioner – from working correctly, as it will prevent air from properly flowing through the component. Frozen evaporator coils can also occur if there is a clogged and dirty air filter or a refrigerant leak. 

The AC Cycles Are Longer

Another sign homeowners might notice that can indicate the evaporator coil needs to be cleaned is if the air conditioner runs longer than usual or is necessary without turning off. These longer cycles can cause the AC unit to overwork itself, producing higher energy bills. 

A dirty evaporator coil can prevent an air conditioner from turning off sooner by hindering the unit’s ability to correctly cool a house due to frost, dirt, dust, or other debris build-ups. It can also run longer if there is an issue in the heat exchange process or a malfunctioning thermostat sensor that prevents the AC from knowing when to turn off. Homeowners should contact a professional to determine if coil cleaning or services are needed if they notice these issues. 

About Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc.

Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc. has received eight consecutive Wenatchee World’s Best Awards serving Wenatchee and the surrounding areas. They offer trustworthy recommendations, a satisfaction guarantee, and fast, tidy service. Call them today for evaporator coil cleaning, repair, or replacement in Wenatchee, WA.

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Plumbing 101 for Homeowners

Plumbing System Basics Households Need to Know

While many homeowners might think they know about their plumbing system, they might not know as much as they need to. They use their plumbing fixtures daily, like their faucets and shower heads, but they might not know how to recognize the signs of plumbing problems that can lead to significant water damage, high water bills, and plumbing emergencies. 

To avoid these problems, plumbers recommend that homeowners understand some information about their plumbing, like how to identify problems in their plumbing system, how they can save on water costs, and why it’s essential to schedule plumbing maintenance services. 

Save Water With Plumbing Fixtures

tubPlumbing fixtures like faucets, showerheads, and toilets are essential to households. Family members use these fixtures daily and rely on them for hygiene. However, these fixtures can result in wasted water and increased water bills if they start to leak. Any leaks should be fixed quickly to save money, but there is more that can be done to save on water costs. 

Homeowners can save on their water use by replacing their old and inefficient plumbing fixtures with new, water-efficient fixtures. Some of these water-saving devices include:

  • Low-flow, water-saving toilets come in many different varieties, but all use less water per flush than standard toilets. 
  • Dual-flush toilets save water by providing two different flushing options depending on whether the waste is liquid or solid to conserve water.
  • Water-saving, low-flow showerheads use less water while still providing comfortable water pressure. 
  • Faucet aerators are installed in faucets to mix air with the water to reduce water usage without sacrificing water pressure. 

Signs Indicating a Plumbing Problem

billPlumbing problems can result in significant water damage, high utility bills, and costly repairs for households. From clogs and leaks to malfunctioning water heaters, many issues can occur in plumbing systems, and it’s important for homeowners to catch them early to mitigate their effects.

Some common symptoms that can indicate a problem with the plumbing include:

  • Visible leaks, puddles of water, or water damage signal a leak in the plumbing
  • A spike in the water bills can point to a leak somewhere in the plumbing system 
  • Slow-draining sinks or bathtubs can indicate a clog or blockage
  • Clogged toilets can indicate a blockage in the toilet trap or in the sewer line 
  • Low water pressure can be due to a blockage or a leak 
  • Foul odors from the drains or toilets can indicate an issue with the sewer line 
  • Running toilets can be due to a faulty flapper valve 
  • Discolored water can indicate there is corrosion or rust in the pipes or water heater 

The Importance of Plumbing Maintenance

One crucial thing for homeowners to remember is to schedule routine plumbing maintenance services. These visits can help plumbers identify and repair minor issues before they get larger, helping households avoid plumbing emergencies. Maintenance can also save homeowners money and extend the life expectancy of their plumbing. 

During maintenance appointments, plumbers will perform an inspection of the system, including performing the following tasks:

  • Inspect the faucets, showerheads, toilets, and other fixtures for damage, leaks, or dripping.
  • Examine the sink, shower, and bathtub drains for clogs. If any blockages are present, plumbers will remove the buildup. 
  • Check the water pressure coming from the plumbing fixtures. 
  • Inspect the pipes for signs of leaks or damage.
  • Examine the water heater to ensure it’s operating correctly, and check for signs of corrosion.
  • Drain and flush the water heater and check the anode rod.

About Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc.

Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc. is a plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical company serving Wenatchee and the surrounding areas. They offer fast, tidy service, comprehensive diagnosis, and financing. Call them today for plumbing services in Wenatchee, WA.

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Install Childproof Outlets to Make Your Home Safer

Keep Children Safe With Tamper-Resistant Outlets

When parents childproof their homes to protect their young children, there is a reason preventing them from sticking items in electrical outlets tops the list. Kids are often drawn to outlets because they are at eye level when crawling or playing on the floor, which can be extremely dangerous.

Each year, around 2,400 children are injured by electrical outlets, according to the Electrical Safety Foundation International. Electrical outlets can cause shocks, burns, and even electrocution. Parents can help avoid these problems by installing childproof outlets. These will protect their children and prevent them from sticking objects into outlets. This post will discuss tamper-resistant receptacles and their benefits.

How Do Childproof Outlets Work?

Childproof outlets are necessary for homes with young children, but what is a tamper-resistant outlet? Tamper-resistant outlets have built-in safety mechanisms to make them childproof. They have self-closing covers to protect children, making it different for children to place objects in outlets.

More technically put, the outlets often have spring-loaded shutters. These covers remain closed unless there is equal pressure applied to both shutters at the same time. If those shutters are not engaged simultaneously, they will not open. This makes it difficult for children to insert objects into the outlets. While plugs will be inserted so both shutters open at the same time, it’s difficult for toys or other items a toddler would stick in an outlet to engage both slots simultaneously.

Benefits of Childproof Outlets

benefits of childproof outletsWhen toddler parents shop for childproof outlet covers and childproofing devices, they have many options. And some of them might not even be safe options. Popular options of outlet plugs or caps can be choking hazards if a child removes them. Childproof outlets offer parents a safer solution.

The shutters prevent toddlers from sticking toys and other objects into the slots, reducing the risk of electrical shocks and injuries while not being a removable choking hazard. These outlets offer protection against electrical hazards and give parents a convenient and easy way to protect their kids without needing to purchase and add outlet plugs to each outlet.

Signs to Replace an Old Outlet

signs to replace an old outletFor outlets to work correctly, homeowners must replace them if they malfunction. Some signs that can indicate the need to install new outlets are:

  • The outlets are damaged or show signs of wear and tear, including cracked faceplates.
  • The outlet has loose connections and the plugs are falling out.
  • The outlet only provides intermittent power.
  • The outlet is hot to the touch.
  • The outlet is old, and it’s time to replace it.

If any of these issues are detected, an electrician should be called to perform outlet replacement services.

About Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc.

Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc. has eight consecutive Wenatchee World’s Best Awards while serving Wenatchee, WA, and the surrounding areas. They provide flat rate pricing, honest recommendations, and same-day service. Call them today for child-proof outlet installation in Wenatchee, WA.