We’ll help you beat the heat—maybe even for free!

We all know it’s pretty much always hot here in the summers, but this year has already been a record-breaker. At one point, the forecast was for the high temperature to beat Wenatchee’s all-time record—for five days in a row.

That’s hotter than hot. We’re not quite sure what to call it, but we’ve seen the term “heatmageddon” thrown around a bit. Sounds about right. If your cooling system isn’t working the way it should, let’s schedule a safety & performance inspection to figure out how to fix it.

But even if your cooling system is working fine, is it meeting your needs everywhere in your home? After this heat wave, you’ll probably have a good idea about areas that aren’t quite as comfortable as you’d like. And we’ve got solutions for that, too.

Mini-split systems
Our ductless mini-split systems are a great way to add AC to areas of your home that your current system doesn’t reach. And if you don’t have a system at all, they can be an economical option for adding cool air to specific rooms, even when you don’t have the ductwork necessary for central air. These systems can be more efficient than central air, even, because you can use them only in the rooms you want, instead of blowing cool air into unoccupied spaces.

A lot of our customers use these in their garages—whether it’s to keep pets comfortable, provide a cool workshop space, or make the man-cave setup even better. But mini-split systems are great for other areas as well, including home additions, basements, and more. Just give us a call at 509-662-6262 to talk through your options.

Win a free cooling system in our Hot Dog contest!
People cope with the heat in countless ways beyond AC, from wet towels around the neck to cold packs to heading to the nearest body of water (be careful in rivers and streams, though, because they can be colder and more dangerous than you think). Dogs, however, can’t quite do it on their own, other than panting and finding the coolest spot possible. They need our help.

We want to see how you’re helping your furry friend manage the heat. Ice cubes in the water bowl? An ice bag on the dog bed? A sprinkler in the back yard? All of the above? We’re looking for the most interesting and inventive ways you’re keeping your dog cool: Post a picture on our Facebook page or email your photo to contest@callpatriot.net, and we’ll pick a winner in mid-August.

You’ll definitely want to enter, because the prize is very cool (literally). The winner will receive a ductless heat pump system for heat in the winter and AC in the summer, installed in their garage or additional dwelling unit—absolutely free!

Your dog will thank you. Your family will thank you. You’ll even thank yourself, especially when the next hot spell comes around. So get those photos ready!

Have an AC emergency? Call now!
Remember, you can call us anytime at 509-662-6262 for emergency HVAC service—or, even better, before you need it. It’s always a good time for a system check-up and maintenance. (And this would be a good time to check our last blog post on how to avoid AC problems, too.) Good luck staying cool!

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