Repair remorse? We’ve got you covered!

When it’s 117 degrees, it’s easy to make decisions you might regret later.

No, we’re not talking about eating ice cream for dinner—that is, and will always be, perfectly acceptable. We’re talking about other decisions, like spending money on repairing an old air-conditioning system in the hopes it will get you through just one more summer.

Will it? Maybe. But it’s a gamble—kind of like when one of our owners spent thousands on a new transmission for her old car … only to have the engine blow a couple of months later. Whoops.

We can’t help you with that kind of car trouble. But if you tried to beat the last heat wave by putting a Band-Aid on your ailing AC, or you made a quick fix to your heating system over the winter, our Repair Buy-Back offer is for you.

In honor of our 15th anniversary this September, we’re giving you an opportunity to get back the money you spent on those short-term repairs! Whether you spent it with us or one of our competitors, we’ll credit up to $1,000 of that cost toward a new heating and cooling system from Patriot. To qualify, you must have documentation of your repair expenses between Aug. 15, 2020 and Aug. 14, 2021, and your new system needs to be installed between Sept. 1-30, 2021.*

Get on our list!
Even beyond the Repair Buy-Back offer, there are a couple of good reasons to get started now if you’re considering a new heating and cooling system.

First, this is a sweet spot in our schedule: As we move toward fall, things open up a bit because it’s not as hot and people aren’t having as many AC emergencies. Now is a great time to beat the rush and turn that repair remorse into a refund.

Second, scheduling your job now doesn’t just put you higher on the list for our availability—it also gets you a better spot in line for equipment. A variety of factors such as semiconductor shortages, backlogged ports, and labor problems have led to significant supply-chain issues for HVAC companies. And we have a feeling it’s going to get a little worse before it gets better.

As a premier dealer for Lennox, we still have access to a lot of great equipment, even while choices are becoming more limited elsewhere. Demand is really high across the board, though, so the sooner you call, the better.

Have a bit of repair remorse? Get in touch!
Thinking about a new heating and cooling system? Whether you repaired old equipment over the last year or you just know it’s time for something newer and more reliable before you need repairs, give us a call anytime at 509-662-6262. We’re here to help—and help you save, too!

* The Repair Buy-Back offer requires purchase and installation of a new heating and cooling system by Patriot Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling. It is only valid for documented repair bills from Patriot or a local competitor between Aug. 15, 2020 and Aug. 14, 2021. Third parties, new construction, and commercial customers are not eligible. Cannot be combined with any other offer or discount. New system must be installed between Sept. 1-30, 2021.

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