Why Install a Standby Generator at Home?

Reasons to Install a Whole House Generator

With worsening weather and increased pressure on power grids, power outages have become more frequent. So, for many homeowners, having a backup power supply is more important than ever. A standby generator installation can give homeowners peace of mind by supplying power to the home during an outage. Here is a brief guide to standby generators, including how they work, when they are needed, and their advantages.

Understanding How Standby Generators Work

generatorUnlike portable generators, which are small and limited in their power output and typically must be manually started, standby generators are installed outside the home and offer much more power and better reliability. Another key factor that makes them so popular is that they automatically activate within seconds when a power outage occurs.

These whole-house generators are powered by natural gas or propane and are connected directly to the home’s electrical system. They are powerful and can typically power the entire electrical load of the average home and keep things running smoothly. This means homeowners can still use the fridge and freezer, their lights and outlets, and even run their heating and cooling systems. The seamless transition, reliability, and convenience that a standby generator installation offers are what set it apart.

When a Generator Becomes Necessary

outageA generator installation is a great way to prepare for power outages and is especially crucial for anyone living in an area prone to severe weather or where they experience frequent power outages. People who work from home, have special medical needs that involve electrically powered devices, or those who cannot go without power for more than a few hours should also get a standby generator.

But more than just bad weather, such as storms, lightning, and extreme heat, can cause power failures. Issues with the power grid, electrical lines, and other system malfunctions can also lead to power outages. Preparing ahead of time by installing a whole-house generator can make it easier to weather power outages when they occur, no matter the cause.

Benefits of a Generator Installation

There are many benefits to having a standby generator professionally installed and ready to provide emergency power at a moment’s notice, including the following:

  • A whole-house generator ensures the safety and comfort of everyone inside, as it can power the heating and cooling system.
  • Food preservation will not be a concern with a backup generator as it can power refrigerators and freezers and prevent expensive food waste.
  • Generators can power essential medical equipment that runs on electricity during a power outage to keep people safe and healthy.
  • Standby generators can add value to a property and can decrease home insurance rates due to the added protection they provide.

Investing in a standby generator isn’t just about convenience. It’s also about preparedness, peace of mind, and protecting the home from the unexpected. Don’t wait until the next power outage to realize the necessity of a generator!

About Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc.

Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc. is a plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical company serving the Wenatchee area. They offer comprehensive diagnosis, financing, and trustworthy recommendations. Call them for standby generator installation and services in Wenatchee, WA.

When to Install a Water Softener and Their Benefits

Hard Water Basics Homeowners Need to Know

If homeowners find themselves having to replace appliances that use water more frequently than expected or scraping residue and buildups off of their plumbing fixtures, this can indicate that they have hard water. Hard water refers to water that has high concentrations of minerals, and the majority of homes in the U.S. have it. It is typically caused by calcium and magnesium dissolving in groundwater, and it can wreak havoc on a home’s plumbing system and create other issues for a household.

Hard water doesn’t pose health risks to families but can affect plumbing appliances, clothing, and other items. To avoid these problems, plumbers recommend that homeowners install a water softener. This post will explain how these systems work, their benefits, and what symptoms of hard water homeowners should look for.

How Water Softeners Treat Hard Water

water softenerWater softeners can effectively remove minerals like calcium and magnesium from a home’s water supply. One common type is a salt-based water softener, also called an ion exchange water softener, because it uses an ion exchange process to remove the minerals that cause water hardness.

The first step in this water-softening system involves water flowing into the water-softener resin tank. Here, the water encounters resin beads. These are negatively charged and will hold onto the positively charged ions in the hard water. The water is softened by exchanging these ions for sodium ions, and it can then travel through the home’s plumbing system. Water from the brine tank then enters the resin tank to create a brine solution. Then, a backwash cycle is performed to rinse away accumulated minerals in the resin bed.

Signs a Home Has Hard Water

Property owners should identify the signs of hard water that indicate water softener installation would be beneficial to protect their plumbing systems and appliances. One of the first signs homeowners might notice is a scale buildup on plumbing fixtures. Property owners commonly see this while cleaning. If they frequently scrub white residue from their plumbing fixtures, it can indicate hard water.

They might also notice lower water pressure in the shower and faucets. Mineral buildup inside the pipes and fixtures can restrict the water flow. This buildup can also occur inside plumbing and appliances that use hot water, causing additional wear and tear and shortening their lifespans.

Other common signs of hard water are spotting and cloudiness on glasses and dishes even after washing them in the dishwasher, or clothes and laundry that fade quicker from being washed in hard water. Family members might also notice their skin or hair is dry. If homeowners notice these signs, they have hard water and should consider installing a whole-house water softener.

Why Homes Can Benefit From Whole Home Water Softeners

save money When a household has hard water, it can benefit from installing a water softener system. These systems can help prolong the lifespan of plumbing appliances and fixtures by preventing a buildup of minerals that can hamper their performance. A water softener can even improve the efficiency of appliances that use water, like water heaters, which lowers operating costs.

They can also save time cleaning as homeowners won’t have to spend as much time scrubbing mineral residue off fixtures or rewashing glasses and dishes to remove spots. Homeowners can also experience healthier, more hydrated skin and hair, better water pressure, and longer-lasting clothing.

About Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc.

Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc. has won 8 consecutive Wenatchee World’s Best Awards while serving Wenatchee and the surrounding areas. They offer fast, tidy service, financing, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Call them today for water softener services in Wenatchee, WA.

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Install Childproof Outlets to Make Your Home Safer

Keep Children Safe With Tamper-Resistant Outlets

When parents childproof their homes to protect their young children, there is a reason preventing them from sticking items in electrical outlets tops the list. Kids are often drawn to outlets because they are at eye level when crawling or playing on the floor, which can be extremely dangerous.

Each year, around 2,400 children are injured by electrical outlets, according to the Electrical Safety Foundation International. Electrical outlets can cause shocks, burns, and even electrocution. Parents can help avoid these problems by installing childproof outlets. These will protect their children and prevent them from sticking objects into outlets. This post will discuss tamper-resistant receptacles and their benefits.

How Do Childproof Outlets Work?

Childproof outlets are necessary for homes with young children, but what is a tamper-resistant outlet? Tamper-resistant outlets have built-in safety mechanisms to make them childproof. They have self-closing covers to protect children, making it different for children to place objects in outlets.

More technically put, the outlets often have spring-loaded shutters. These covers remain closed unless there is equal pressure applied to both shutters at the same time. If those shutters are not engaged simultaneously, they will not open. This makes it difficult for children to insert objects into the outlets. While plugs will be inserted so both shutters open at the same time, it’s difficult for toys or other items a toddler would stick in an outlet to engage both slots simultaneously.

Benefits of Childproof Outlets

benefits of childproof outletsWhen toddler parents shop for childproof outlet covers and childproofing devices, they have many options. And some of them might not even be safe options. Popular options of outlet plugs or caps can be choking hazards if a child removes them. Childproof outlets offer parents a safer solution.

The shutters prevent toddlers from sticking toys and other objects into the slots, reducing the risk of electrical shocks and injuries while not being a removable choking hazard. These outlets offer protection against electrical hazards and give parents a convenient and easy way to protect their kids without needing to purchase and add outlet plugs to each outlet.

Signs to Replace an Old Outlet

signs to replace an old outletFor outlets to work correctly, homeowners must replace them if they malfunction. Some signs that can indicate the need to install new outlets are:

  • The outlets are damaged or show signs of wear and tear, including cracked faceplates.
  • The outlet has loose connections and the plugs are falling out.
  • The outlet only provides intermittent power.
  • The outlet is hot to the touch.
  • The outlet is old, and it’s time to replace it.

If any of these issues are detected, an electrician should be called to perform outlet replacement services.

About Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc.

Patriot Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Inc. has eight consecutive Wenatchee World’s Best Awards while serving Wenatchee, WA, and the surrounding areas. They provide flat rate pricing, honest recommendations, and same-day service. Call them today for child-proof outlet installation in Wenatchee, WA.